Saturday, February 23, 2013

Omni has made a believer out of me

Well again I return with great news, I finally did it. I am now officially in the 170's and I am so happy I can not believe it. I have not been here for 14 years. And now on to my goal of 165 for this first round. Only 13 more days to go. Then I start in at the Phase 3 part. Jessica is now dropped 31 lbs she too can not believe it. We keep pinching ourselves and yes it is all true. Jessica will be sharing her new updated picture once we are done with the first 45 days. Me I can not wait to share so I am showing you a picture of me at day 31 I have dropped 18.4 lbs Omni really does work friends. You are welcome to join us anytime. Omni is for life, happiness, and just all around for you.

So the top picture is today, the bottom is when I started at 192.6

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hello my Omni Drop followers,

    It has been awhile since I posted. I was doing my niece a favor and stayed out at her place for a week so that they could take their kids on a little mini vacation to the Great Wolf Lodge, how fun is that.  Anyways she does not have internet way out where she lives and I had no service on my phone so I was Facebook and internet deprived. Not really that bad honestly, it was sort of nice to get away myself from the everyday dredge of things.

   So the good news is since I have posted last I have lost 4.6 more pounds. I have added a product that we call Nite lite to my regime and what it does, is burn more fat while I am sleeping along with tightening up all my loose skin, they call it face lift in a bottle. lol that is funny but it is true. It has collegin in it so it repairs and renews our bodies. Not to mention it gives you a wonderful night sleep. It allows you to relax and get to the Rem sleep you are usually deprived of. Four hours sleep will feel like eight. It is natural and very good for you. Check it out.  
    The week was really good for me, but I have to admit that I did have a utoh moment. I had made brownies for my Husband and boys for a treat and well my favorite part is the dough and out of habit I ate a big spoonful and did not realize it until I swallowed that it was a no no. umh well we are all human. I kicked myself for a couple of days. But it all is good now. Thank goodness I did not cause a stall in my weight loss, just did not lose for that day. Oh and the sugar actually got to me and I did not feel to well for a bit. So I will not be making that mistake again anytime soon.

   Well have a great evening I am signing off now but hope that you will keep following Mine and Jessicas progress, she by the way has lost 31.6Lbs in 26 days. I am so proud of her. I have lost 16.2.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Life in the Omni Drop Zone

  Good evening my blog fans,

     Well today marks day 17 into our journey, both Jess and I have been doing very well and we are happy with the progress that we are making. Today neither of us lost any weight, we stayed at yesterdays total. My self I believe it is because I have not been able to have a BM. don't mean to be so personal in that information department but it is part of the process.  It is completely normal, they say that the less that goes in means less comes out. We are eating clean, it totally makes since.

      Tomorrow is another day, so hopefully it will be a big loss. but if not well that's okay too, I certainly did not get this big overnight so I am not going to get small overnight either. Jessica is doing amazing, she is now at 23 lbs lost. So for her not to lose one day big deal right?, Right. I am so looking forward to the next 28 days because I know that in the end it is going to be one big Victory for us both.

     Good news is that I have two new people that have jumped on the ride with us, and they start their drops this week. Welcome Kathie L. and Chuck L. not related. Anyway they too are tired of being tired, over weight and in pain and on all sorts of medication for diabetes and acid reflux and so on. I am excited for them that they will be on the ride with us to a healthier and happier life. You can too just contact me at  or go to my website to get started today   I am also looking for distributors if you are looking for an easy sell its self home business. Right away you would get a 20% discount on your product, lose weight, feel great and get paid for it all at the same time. What better testimony is there then your own success.

     If not that is fine too, do something for your self, get healthy and fit for the summer months that are coming up. Feel like a million bucks, and look like two million. Hey guys this is not just for women.



Friday, February 8, 2013

Yes I am melting away, Omni journey day 15

Hello my blog fans,

    Its been a few days since I have made any posts. The time just flies by and I truly do not know where it goes. Every day is so packed with busy schedules and hectic days that this is really a nice thing to be able to do. So hopefully if you are following this daily that you will not lose interest. Because I will be back always to catch every one up.

    So to start with I will say that I am so very proud of my daughter Jess. She has been doing a phenomenal job with this drop journey. Last week was a little frustrating for her because she was stuck. Her weight has been dropping at a steady rate of about 1.5 to 2lbs a day. So when the scale stopped one day she was worried that it would go no further. She was happy to hear that this is a normal thing to happen, the reason is because her body had to adjust and catch up. And sure enough the next day she had lost 1.6 lbs. She was back on top of  her world. She has now lost 20.4 lbs in 15 days. She  has more energy than she has had in a couple of years." It is a great feeling" she said. To finally have hope and see the dropping go down, down, down. Anyone can do this, there really is hope. Look me up and get started today.

    Now for myself it has been a little bit of a struggle as well this week. Like Jessica, I was hovering over one weight for about 3 days. Hers was only the one day, but does not make it any less frustrating. Anyway I got stuck on 185 and I was going up and down 4 to 6 oz. Never going above but not making any progress to get past it. Now mind you I was extremely happy to make it to that point, since I had not been there in many years. However I just needed to get past there. Well I finally did it. I woke up yesterday morning and had lost 2 lbs. Yippee, I was doing the happy dance. And the best part of it for me is that during the last 15 days of this journey for me, the scale would only move 4-6 oz  and in the beginning I was losing 1 to 1/12, so to loose 2 was so exciting.  My total now is 183.2 and that is after waking up this morning and losing an additional 4 oz. So my complete loss at this time is 10lbs exactly. Whoot Whoot. So very happy.  Please feel free to jump on our Omni Drop Zone ride, we will be there for you as you are for us. contact me via Facebook under +Cindy k Puckett.

Well good night my friend, I will be back again soon. Hopefully it will not take me three days like it did this time. However if it does, please just be patient with  me, I will be back. God Bless Onward we go, 30 days left on this ride. Again come join us if you wish for a happy, healthier you.



Sunday, February 3, 2013

Our Omni Journey Day 10

   Today makes 10 days into our journey, and so far the ride has been smooth and yet very exciting. I have tried every diet out there, I've done the counting calorie diets, I've done the sprinkle powder on your food to trick your taste buds, I've done the heart diet so on and so on. I am not saying  that all of the above diets don't work, they do. Its what drive you have to make them work, and unfortunately in my earlier life I always had an excuse as to why they just did not work for me. Well not any longer I am so happy that I found Omni it is life changing for my daughter and I and only in a matter of 10 days. We both are doing so well in such a short time that we feel that there is actually hope. And so we really want to be that hope for others as well. 

    Summer is coming and I know that this summer is going to be very special for me. I am looking forward to going bathing suit shopping. My friends I have never enjoyed buyin a bathing suit in the last 15 to 20 years. I intend to do a video of just that, going shopping for the perfect suit so keep with me on this Journey and we will shop together.

    Todays weigh in was a half pound for me, and Jessica lost 1.6 lbs. Her total now is almost 18 lbs in 10 days. Yeah Jess, you are amazing. For myself total is 9.8. I am averaging the estimated 1/2 to 1 1/2 lbs a day. I can not tell you how nice it is to get on that scale every morning and see my numbers going down. The other thing that is even more exciting for me is that since I have started my Omni IV vitimin supplement, I have woke up pain free from my fibrymyalgia and burrsittis. Also I have been on high doses of Heart Burn medication, I have not had to take one pill. I love my Omni yes I do.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hello, Hello, Hello

Today has been a great day. I love my omni journey, I really do. I woke up this morning and for some reason I was just feeling hesitant about getting on the scale. I don't really know why because I have only had one day that I gained exactly 1 lb over night and I was sad, but the good thing was that I know what I had done wrong.

We are only allowed 4 oz of protien, 4 oz of veggies, and 2 fruits a day. They suggest that you only eat beef twice a week, well my mistake was that I had a wonderful Omni approved very Lean ground beef, lettuce burger.(Yummy one of my favorites) and then the same evening I thought that I would treat my wonderful Husband to a really nice Steak dinner with all the trimmings. Of course mine was only Omni approved, however my mistake was believing the meat cutter cut mine as 4oz nope I believe now that I have seen a 4oz steak I ate way to much that night not to mention way to much beef in one day. I was so mad at myself, but it was a good lesson learned because as you might have read in yesterdays post I did lose that aweful pound and got back on track. And Chicken and Fish are my best friend all during the week.

Today was even more amazing because I have dropped another 1.6 pounds today, and the reason that this means so much to me is because when I started this Omni journey I was in the 190's now I am in the low 180's and hopefully by the end of the weekend I will see the 170's. Folks I have not been in the 170's in over 14 years. I am so happy, I am walking around doing the happy dance, singing yee haw and driving my husband crazey with talk of going shopping really soon for new clothes. (Giggle).

Now for Jessicas progress, she is doing fantastic, she has lost 16.4 lbs in 9 days. Wow we love our Omni.  Today however she called me early this morning and was sad because she did not lose anything overnight. She did not gain anything either, so she was able to go to our Omni group support and they explained to her that this is completely normal. Especially for her because she has a lot to lose this round. What is happening is that her body is adjusting to this new diet and she will most likely start dropping 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a day instead of 2-4 like she has been.

However it is possible to go into stall mode, and in that case we will be doing something else to jump start her back. But that is only if she stays at the weight that she has stopped at for more then 5 days. So we will not jump the gun here. I think that she will be fine come tomorrow morning. And if not then we will just take it one day at a time. I am so proud of her, as far as I am concerned she is doing awesome and will continue to do so. 

Well I will call it a night, hope you all are sleeping well, remember we do have a product that helps with that as well its called Nite Lite and it is fantastic. Check it out.

Take care and God Bless,

And thanks for sharing in our journey to the DROP ZONE

Friday, February 1, 2013

Omni Dropping more and more

Hello again,

Well it has been a couple of days since I have updated our drop journey. I have been very busy and it just seemed that by the time the end of the evening came I would completely forget to log an entry.

Well it is now on day 9 and I am so proud to say that my daughter Jessica has dropped 16.4 pounds, dropping dropping dropping. So awesome, she is feeling wonderful, she says that she has so much more energy then she did a week ago. She is in the middle of moving to a new apt and every thing is just falling into place for her. She said that the rate this is going she will be looking HOT HOT HOT come summer time. I totally agree we are so happy that we found Lisa and Jessye Kendall to show us the Omni way.  because are lives are dramatically changing in such a short time.

The great thing about is that everyone can do it. There is so much more to it then weight loss. So check it out go on the web site and order yours today. We are living proof it works. I forgot to mention that I myself have lost 8.2 lbs in 9 days. I am ecstatic. I am so looking forward to buying a bathing suit that I will not be embarrassed to wear this summer. So what are you waiting for Jump on this Omni train and be 20 to 40 lbs less by June. More if you need it.

 You are welcome to  Email me at for any questions that you might have. Your are welcome to friend me on Facebook as well under +Cindy Puckett . And so I close with the fact that  I am under construction to a new me. God Bless.