Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hello, Hello, Hello

Today has been a great day. I love my omni journey, I really do. I woke up this morning and for some reason I was just feeling hesitant about getting on the scale. I don't really know why because I have only had one day that I gained exactly 1 lb over night and I was sad, but the good thing was that I know what I had done wrong.

We are only allowed 4 oz of protien, 4 oz of veggies, and 2 fruits a day. They suggest that you only eat beef twice a week, well my mistake was that I had a wonderful Omni approved very Lean ground beef, lettuce burger.(Yummy one of my favorites) and then the same evening I thought that I would treat my wonderful Husband to a really nice Steak dinner with all the trimmings. Of course mine was only Omni approved, however my mistake was believing the meat cutter cut mine as 4oz nope I believe now that I have seen a 4oz steak I ate way to much that night not to mention way to much beef in one day. I was so mad at myself, but it was a good lesson learned because as you might have read in yesterdays post I did lose that aweful pound and got back on track. And Chicken and Fish are my best friend all during the week.

Today was even more amazing because I have dropped another 1.6 pounds today, and the reason that this means so much to me is because when I started this Omni journey I was in the 190's now I am in the low 180's and hopefully by the end of the weekend I will see the 170's. Folks I have not been in the 170's in over 14 years. I am so happy, I am walking around doing the happy dance, singing yee haw and driving my husband crazey with talk of going shopping really soon for new clothes. (Giggle).

Now for Jessicas progress, she is doing fantastic, she has lost 16.4 lbs in 9 days. Wow we love our Omni.  Today however she called me early this morning and was sad because she did not lose anything overnight. She did not gain anything either, so she was able to go to our Omni group support and they explained to her that this is completely normal. Especially for her because she has a lot to lose this round. What is happening is that her body is adjusting to this new diet and she will most likely start dropping 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a day instead of 2-4 like she has been.

However it is possible to go into stall mode, and in that case we will be doing something else to jump start her back. But that is only if she stays at the weight that she has stopped at for more then 5 days. So we will not jump the gun here. I think that she will be fine come tomorrow morning. And if not then we will just take it one day at a time. I am so proud of her, as far as I am concerned she is doing awesome and will continue to do so. 

Well I will call it a night, hope you all are sleeping well, remember we do have a product that helps with that as well its called Nite Lite and it is fantastic. Check it out.

Take care and God Bless,

And thanks for sharing in our journey to the DROP ZONE

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